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Impacts of the a-Si:H interlayer nanostructure on the adhesion of the thick DLC coatings prepared by PECVD 期刊论文
Applied Surface Science, 2021, 期号: 565, 页码: 150539
Authors:  Xinyu Wang;  Xudong Sui;  Shuaituo Zhang;  Mingming Yan;  Yan Lu;  Junying Hao;  Weimin Liu
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Construction of a dense structure for GLC coatings by tailoring the nitrogen content to improve the aqueous-adaptability 期刊论文
SURFACE & COATINGS TECHNOLOGY, 2021, 期号: 418, 页码: 127131
Authors:  Yan, Mingming(闫明明);  Sui, Xudong(隋旭东);  Wang, Xinyu(王新宇);  Zhang, Shuaituo(张帅拓);  Lu, Yan(鲁艳);  Hao, Junying(郝俊英);  Liu, Weimin(刘维民)
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High temperature tribological behavior of polymer-derived Ta4HfC5 nanoceramics 期刊论文
TRIBOLOGY INTERNATIONAL, 2021, 期号: 156, 页码: 106859
Authors:  Lu, Yan;  Zhu, Shengyu;  Wang, Xinyu;  Sui, Xudong;  Zhang, Shuaituo;  Hao, Junying;  Zhao, Tong
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Microstructure, mechanical and tribological properties of graphite-like carbon coatings doped with tantalum 期刊论文
Applied Surface Science, 2021, 期号: 542, 页码: 148404
Authors:  Mingming Yan(闫明明);  Xinyu Wang(王新宇);  Haibin Zhou(周海斌);  Jian Liu(刘建);  Shuaituo Zhang(张帅拓);  Yan Lu(鲁艳);  Junying Hao(郝俊英)
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表面织构对管道内壁碳基涂层润湿性与 摩擦学性能影响 期刊论文
摩擦学学报, 2021, 卷号: 41, 期号: 1, 页码: 86-94
Authors:  王新宇;  张帅拓;  刘 建;  鲁晓龙;  隋旭东;  郝俊英;  刘维民
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