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A strategy to construct uniform MOFs/PAN nanowire derived bead-like Co3O4 for VOC catalytic combustion
Han WG(韩维高)1,2; Dong F(董芳)1; Han WL(韩维亮)1; Tang ZC(唐志诚)1
The second department工业催化研究组
Source PublicationChemical communication
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Cited Times:18[WOS]   [WOS Record]     [Related Records in WOS]
Document Type期刊论文
Corresponding AuthorTang ZC(唐志诚)
Corresponding Author AffilicationLanzhou Institute of Chemical Physics,Chinese Academy of Sciences
Recommended Citation
GB/T 7714
Han WG,Dong F,Han WL,et al. A strategy to construct uniform MOFs/PAN nanowire derived bead-like Co3O4 for VOC catalytic combustion[J]. Chemical communication,2020,56(56):14307-14310.
APA Han WG,Dong F,Han WL,&Tang ZC.(2020).A strategy to construct uniform MOFs/PAN nanowire derived bead-like Co3O4 for VOC catalytic combustion.Chemical communication,56(56),14307-14310.
MLA Han WG,et al."A strategy to construct uniform MOFs/PAN nanowire derived bead-like Co3O4 for VOC catalytic combustion".Chemical communication 56.56(2020):14307-14310.
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