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| Effect of peak current on the microstructure, mechanical properties and tribological behavior of MoxN coatings deposited by high power impulse magnetron sputtering 期刊论文 Tribology International, 2023, 期号: 189, 页码: 108955 Authors: Xiaolong Lu; Xudong Sui; Jian Kang; Xiao Zhang; XingXu Miao; Junjie Wang; Junying Hao Adobe PDF(18626Kb)  |  Favorite  |  View/Download:74/0  |  Submit date:2023/10/31 |
| Tribological dissimilarity and solid-liquid interaction of WS2-Al film combining with different space oils in vacuum 期刊论文 Tribology International, 2023, 期号: 187, 页码: 108691 Authors: Zhen Yan; Jian Liu; Xiao Zhang; Junying Hao; Weimin Liu Adobe PDF(12392Kb)  |  Favorite  |  View/Download:80/0  |  Submit date:2023/10/31 |
| 一种遥爪型聚氨酯及其制备方法和应用 专利 专利号: ZL202211225537.9, 申请日期: 2023-08-08, Inventors: 张新瑞; 徐静; 王晓月; 杨增辉; 张耀明; 王齐华; 王廷梅 Adobe PDF(1176Kb)  |  Favorite  |  View/Download:58/0  |  Submit date:2023/11/13 |
| 纳米二氧化硅做稠化剂时添加量对润滑脂流变学行为及摩擦学性能的影响 期刊论文 摩擦学学报, 2023, 卷号: 43, 期号: 8, 页码: 916-927 Authors: 刘焕晨; 王晓雨; 苏怀刚; 赵启龙; 王晓波; 娄文静; 张晟卯 Favorite  |  View/Download:90/0  |  Submit date:2023/12/12 |
| 马铃薯光敏色素PHY基因的生物信息学及糖苷生物碱的MALDI-MSI分析 会议论文 马铃薯产业与种业创新(2023), 中国黑龙江齐齐哈尔, 2023-07-16 Authors: 张小璐; 姜红; 曾凡逵; 王雅; 刘刚; 刘琳 View  |  Adobe PDF(1390Kb)  |  Favorite  |  View/Download:129/38  |  Submit date:2023/11/02 |
| 3D打印数字化技术在口腔种植修复中的系列研究和临床应用(省奖) 获奖成果 省部委奖: 二等奖, 2023 Accomplishers: 张昀; 张修银; 李婷婷; 姬忠莹; 杨亚玲; 李立; 王晓龙; 唐天弘; 连梅菲; 廖璐曼 Adobe PDF(2461Kb)  |  Favorite  |  View/Download:50/0  |  Submit date:2023/11/01 |
| 2种有机功能分子的高温重载摩擦学行为和缓蚀性能研究 期刊论文 摩擦学学报, 2023, 卷号: 43, 期号: 7, 页码: 728-737 Authors: 董均阳; 俎鹏姣; 李维民; 张松伟; 王晓波 Adobe PDF(4704Kb)  |  Favorite  |  View/Download:87/0  |  Submit date:2023/10/30 |
| Tribological behavior of Cu-modified polymer-derived SiBCN ceramics at elevated temperature 期刊论文 Tribology International, 2023, 期号: 185, 页码: 108540 Authors: Yan Lu; Xinyu Wang; Xiao Zhang; Xiaolong Lu; Weijian Han; Junying Hao; Tong Zhao Adobe PDF(13894Kb)  |  Favorite  |  View/Download:46/0  |  Submit date:2023/10/31 |
| Rheological behaviors and tribological properties of nano-silica grease: Astudy compared with lithium grease and polyurea grease 期刊论文 Tribology International, 2023, 卷号: 186, 期号: /, 页码: 108657 Authors: Huanchen Liu; Xiaoyu Wang; Tao Yang; Huaigang Su; Xiaobo Wang; Shengmao Zhang; Wenjing Lou Favorite  |  View/Download:64/0  |  Submit date:2023/12/12 |
| Ultra-fast 3D printing of assembly—free complex optics with sub-nanometer surface quality at mesoscale 期刊论文 International Journal of Extreme Manufacturing, 2023, 卷号: 5, 期号: 3, 页码: 035007 Authors: Shuai Peng; Jiawen Xu; Dongya Li; Jun Ren; Meng Zhang; Xiaolong Wang; Yu Liu Favorite  |  View/Download:36/0  |  Submit date:2023/12/03 tomographic volumetric printing meniscus equilibrium post-curing methods spherical lens sub-nanometric roughness |