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Filters ((Community:固体润滑国家重点实验室(LSL)) AND (Funding Project:材料表面与界面行为研究组))
 1-20 of 97
RSC Advances 11 摩擦学学报 9 Antifouling Surfaces 7
Journal of Physical 7 Langmuir 7 Macromolecular Rapid 7
Applied Surface Scie 6 Chem. Commun. 5 Journal of Colloid a 5
Journal of Materials 5 Journal of Materials 5 Materials Letters 5
Small 5 Soft Matter 5 Thin Solid Films 5
Chemical Communicati 4 Journal of Applied P 4 Nanoscale 4
Tribology Internatio 4 ACS Applied Material 3