Current Search ((ALL:"期刊论文"))
Filters ((Community:固体润滑国家重点实验室(LSL)) AND (Community:羰基合成与选择氧化国家重点实验室(OSSO)))
 1-20 of 32
RSC Advances 5 ACS Applied Material 4 Advanced Functional 2
Electrochemistry Com 2 Electrochimica Acta 2 Energy and Fuels 2
Green Chemistry 2 International Journa 2 Journal of Dispersio 2
Journal of Materials 2 Advanced Science 1 Catal. Commun. 1
ChemSusChem 1 Chemical Reviews 1 Chinese Chemical Let 1
Chinese Journal of C 1 Colloids and Surface 1 Composites Part A: A 1
J. Mater. Sci. 1 Journal of Applied P 1