Current Search ((ALL:"期刊论文"))
Filters ((Community:固体润滑国家重点实验室(LSL)) AND (Date Issued:2017))
 1-20 of 142
Tribology Internatio 33 摩擦学学报 16 Journal of Materials 13
Applied Surface Scie 12 RSC Advances 12 Ceramics Internation 9
Surface and Coatings 9 Tribology Letters 9 Journal of Colloid a 8
Advanced Materials I 7 Journal of Alloys an 7 ACS Applied Material 6
Colloids and Surface 6 Materials Letters 6 Materials and Design 6
Surface and Interfac 6 Vacuum 6 Journal of Applied P 5
Surface & Coatings T 5 Chemical Engineering 4