Current Search ((ALL:吴玉琪))
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21433007) 2 国家重点基础研究专项经费(Nos. 20 2 21373245) 1
21673262) 1 973 资助项目(编号为G2000002 1 973,863(No.2007CB613 1
Natural National Sci 1 the 973 Program of D 1 the 973 Program, 863 1
the 973 and 863 Prog 1 the 973 and 863 Proj 1 the 973, 863 Program 1
the NSF of China (21 1 the NSF of China (gr 1 the NSF of China (gr 1
the NSF of China (gr 1 the NSF of China (gr 1 the NSF of China (gr 1
the NSFC (Grant No. 1 the NSFC (Grant Nos. 1