Current Search ((ALL:Anion))
Filters ((Community:羰基合成与选择氧化国家重点实验室(OSSO)))
 1-20 of 163
Chemical Communicati 17 CrystEngComm 14 RSC Advances 12
Organic Letters 11 ACS Catalysis 10 Angewandte Chemie In 10
Organometallics 10 Journal of the Ameri 9 Applied Catalysis B: 7
Journal of Molecular 7 Chemistry - A Europe 6 Dalton Transactions 6
Journal of Physical 6 Synthetic Communicat 6 Green Chemistry 5
Inorganic Chemistry 5 Journal of Organic C 5 分子催化 5
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed 4 Catalysis Letters 4